"Lua Lomi", an ancient Maui art of healing, creates space so energy can flow again...

"Deep Tissue" massage without the pain and discomfort often experienced with deep work. Using motion, rather than downward pressure, it creates deep opening throughout the body and encourages blood flow in a way that moves the entire body into openness. 

This rare and unique technique is deeply penetrating, yet gradually opens the deepest layers of tissue without the burdening the body with downward pressure. It has applications for all muscle groups, specifically unique applications in the junction between upper and lower body: particularly the SI joint, thoracolumbar fascia, gluteal group, hip rotators, sciatic notch and hip flexors. 

This ancient bodywork is as physical as it is Spiritual, and it treats the Body- Mind- Spirit, as a Whole.



"Lua Lomi" opens the body through rhythmic, flowing strokes, allowing the "Aloha Spirit" to flow...

The energy of "Aloha Spirit" is infused into the body resulting in increased energy, wellness and natural joy.

This infusion of energy ignites healing from the inside out.

"Lomi- Lomi: Hands to Heart to God"

"Lomi- lomi" is used to refer to any traditional Hawaiian massage. "Lua Lomi" is an ancient Maui lineage that is a "fix 'em up" style lomi, akin to a traditional 'deep tissue' massage, without the discomfort usual experienced with deep work.

There are many 'styles' of lomi- lomi, for traditionally the art was passed down only through family blood lines making lomi as unique and varied as individual families are. Only recently has any of this precious wisdom been shared outside family lines.

Ancient Hawaiian massage acknowledges and honors the sacredness of all Life.

Each human being is seen as precious, and the bodywork honors the Whole: Body, Mind and Spirit.


Each session is tailored to the client's specific needs, that day, offering a unique experience each and every time.