Lower Back Pain
1) Lie on back upon a comfortable surface. Bend knees and place left knee over right as in a cross-legged position. Place hands beneath head. Slowly let right knee fall to the right stretching the left hip and lower back. Allow the body to determine the degree of stretch never forcing stretch nor causing pain. Stop at the range that causes any discomfort, breathe and relax. You may attempt to stretch further once relaxed if there is no discomfort. Hold max stretch for several seconds. Repeat on opposite side.
2) Place left leg over right resting foot outside the right knee. Place right hand upon left knee and gently urge knee to the floor. Bring knee across the body to facilitate a good stretch; seek to challenge the muscle rather than aggravate. Hold the deep stretch for 2 seconds, return to 'neutral' by returning leg to starting position. Repeat this several times on one side noticing any gained range. Proceed to other side always allowing enough time to administer the same amount of repetitions to each side.
3) For the more adventurous: Lie on your side, very close to the edge of a bed with bottom facing outwards. Place top arm overhead and bend lower knee while straightening the top leg (you may need to hold on to balance yourself depending on the softness of the bed surface). Allow the top leg to fall off the edge of the bed stretching towards the floor. Hold the deepest stretch (without pain) for no more than 2 seconds. 'Pump' the leg back up to hip height and then actively stretch the foot again to the floor. Repeat several times before moving to other side of bed to work opposite side. Be sure your hips are stacked on top of each other in a straight line when you start, notice if the body is falling forward or backward and correct. This stretch is a wonderful tool to access the all important Quadratud Lumborum muscle in the lower back.
4) Stand with feet hip distance apart with hands gently resting on hips. Turn entire torso to the left so the nose is in line with the nipple. Gently stretch forward leading with the nose and keeping the hips stationary and facing forward. Stretch the lower back into a deep stretch without pain. Repeat several times on one side noticing any gain in range then repeat same repetitions on opposite side.
5) Torso rolls. Stand with feet hip distance apart and hands gently resting on hips. Lean forward with entire torso including the head about 30 degrees, or as far as is comfortable. Keeping hips stationary, move in a circular motion focusing on the feel of the stretch in the lower back. Generate movement from the low torso or belly button area, gauge size of circle upon feel in the low back. Stretch so that tight areas are soothed by the motion. Repeat opposite direction.
6) Lie on back, bend knees and place hands upon the same side knee. Gently roll upon the lower back by making small circles with the knees. Imagine your knees drawing circles in the air. Repeat several times in each direction varying size of circle feeling gentle comforting pressure on the low back and buttocks. Repeat opposite side.